
Portfolio 3

Summary of “Terrorism protection is engineering challenge, Branscomb says”
Branscomb whose talk on Sept.20 ranks 2nd in the Brunel Lectures Series on Complex Systems sponsored by MIT’s Engineering System Division says that science and technology can make the US safer but nit invulnerable to attack. It is the science and technology that created America’s vulnerability.
Reducing vulnerability is a highly complex systems problem and the NRC report also warns that there is danger of a severe domino effect, bringing down many other systems with it. Branscomb also thinks that the Department of Homeland Security is ill equipped to deal with the problem. He noted that many systems which include health care and food systems, energy systems, communication and information systems, transportation systems and people are potential targets. He highlights the people are the targets and the main danger is loss of public confidence in public offices, which would lead to the consequence that the democracy will become fragile. Because of some engineering problems, which are some of the biggest hurdles in fencing off attack, more effort in creating a foreign policy so that there is less incentive to become a terrorist should be taken.

2 条评论:


The topic and content is good and attractive. The essay also mentioned some specific problems faced with the engineering. I think too many terminology may create some difficulties to read.

wanglongfei 说...

It makes your portfolio easy to understand to use an example to present your idea.